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Revision as of 19:01, 27 March 2022

This is a Toronto based inline skating and roller skating group exclusively for women.

We host a variety of events for female skaters of all levels, including beginner friendly fixed location events for skills practice, trail events, and some street skating.


  • Steaming from the Toronto rollerblade inline skater group (File:Meetup-Re Meetup Bladers group problem.pdf), the skater known as speedy wanted to create a group to provide a more adequate skating experience for females but due to low female attendance on skating events, the process took time.
  • From of old inline skating group with 400 skaters many females were surveyed. Most never replied.


  • Two regular female skaters that skate with the Toronto bladers were approached. Hannah being one.
  • Hannah is invited to the Toronto bladers private bladers chat
  • Monday, August 10, 2020 Chicks on a roll: Ladies inline skating session was organized and hosted by Hannah with 4 skaters out of 9 going out to skate.
  • Sunday, August 16, 2020 Chicks on a roll: Ladies Skate Night was hosted by Hannah with 3 skaters out of 12 going out to skate.
  • Hannah creates a whatsapp female only private skater chat



  • Is it concluded that the Toronto rollerblade inline skater group is not conducive to the proliferation of skating events as intended. (File:Meetup-Re Meetup Bladers group problem.pdf)
  • March 2022, Speedy offers to support and maintain the rollerbabes on meetup for Hannah to manage as she sees fit and invites females skaters to join in.
  • Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Pre-Season Meet & Skate! first event is published
  • By 27 of March 2020, the group reaches 19 members most of who were individually contacted by speedy, have joined.
