High Park
At the it's top, High Park offers an excellent location to practice, speed, endurance and other skills. It is a common meetup location for the Toronto Bladers and we usually meet at the Rogue runners bench on Spring Road.
- 2 km loop with large sidewalks, road and cycle tracks
- Excellent comfortable downhill slope for speed
Public Transportation
All free:
- North west parking lot near the Wading pool
- North east parking lot near the Tennis court
- Grenadier Caffe parking lot
- Center parking lot near the zoo
- South parking lot Near Parkside Dr
Other things
- Despite sidewalks over 10 feet wide, there are idiots walking on the bicycle track and road, obstruction all other traffic
- Pedestrians do look look let and right when crossing the road
- Parents leave children unattended crossing the roads
- Vehicular Traffic is present but on one direction
- Hockey rink on location but mostly closed, unless it is winter for ice skating
- At certain times, vehicular traffic is not allowed in the park and the gates will be closed. Tipically this is after hours.