High Park

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Revision as of 14:43, 17 June 2023 by Speedy (talk | contribs)
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High Park - Toronto 2 km loop

At the it's top, High Park offers an excellent location to practice, speed, endurance and other skills. It is a common meetup location for the Toronto Bladers.



  • 2 km loop with large sidewalks, road and cycle tracks
  • Excellent comfortable downhill slope for speed
  • Overall good pavement and public lighting


Public Transportation



All free:

Other things

  • Despite sidewalks over 10 feet wide, there are idiots walking on the bicycle track and road, obstruction all other traffic
  • There will be people walking on the bicycle track and road at night without any way to be visible
  • Pedestrians do look look let and right when crossing the road
  • Parents leave children unattended crossing the roads
  • Vehicular Traffic is present but on one direction
  • Hockey rink on location but mostly closed, unless it is winter for ice skating
  • At certain times, vehicular traffic is not allowed in the park and the gates will be closed. Typically this is after hours.
  • Strava cyclists like to cycle on high park at 60km/h or more and get upset with anyone else that uses the park at legal speed limit and or slows them down. This has led to cyclists getting traffic tickets at Toronto's High Park

External Links