Group and account maintenance

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Revision as of 00:48, 6 November 2021 by Speedy (talk | contribs) (Chat guidelines)
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After years of experience organizing and participating in events, as it can be understood, maintaining any large group actively healthy requires maintenance is time and resource consuming. Likewise it is also understood that life happens and sometimes the availability or possibility of having time to skate with the group is not there. Some reasons included are (but not limited to):

Personal life
No free time for the sport 
Moved on to other activities
Family and or loved ones requirements
Professional life, schedule
Moved to another location (city, province and or country)
Injuries, not interested anymore, etc
Was just curious to see what it was all about and nothing else

Whatever the reason is, the skater must also understand that in order to keep the group functional, adjustments have to be made for organizers and hosts to have a good idea who is active and where as well as interested in skating, otherwise any organizers and hosts planing events and activities will find themselves investing time, effort and money without any productive outcome for the projected activities.

Maintain membership

In order to maintain membership in the Kommunity , the skater must skate with the group 1 to 3 times a year and starting 2022, some accounts/memberships will be removed from the group if the skater matches any of the following:

  • Most important: Joined the group but never skated with the group
  • Has somehow joined an invitation only group without being invited and or skated with the group
  • Is not an inline skater
  • Does not have the equipment and or skill required to be part of the group
  • Notorious trend of RSVP but never shows up or shows up randomly without RSVP
  • Has never replied to messages (text, email, social media) to let organizers and or hosts know their skating status
  • Has blocked messages, notifications and or other forms of contact from the organizers
  • Is in the group for personal gain/commercial reasons and not to skate with the group
  • Has not followed the agreement waiver and release of liability
  • Has not respected the code of conduct
  • Vanished

and to prevent what happened with the meetup Toronto rollerblade inline skater group

Skaters chat

In order to be part of the skaters chat the skater must be part of the skater's group organizing platform which since 2021 has been kommunity. The chat is also optional but recommended. If the skater does not have an active membership in the group, there is no valid reason to be in the skaters chat. Approval to the skaters chat is always pending on being part of the skating group.

The skaters chat exists to support event activities that matter to everyone in the group such as:

  • Plan events, get in touch during events, post live gps tracking during skate activities
  • Share tutorials, skating URLs, equipment, documentation, news, sales
  • Share pictures, feedback, suggestions and videos of events

Being part of the skaters chat without being part of the skating group defeats its purpose and increases it's chat activity with many other topics which end up by not being related to the aforementioned support and overwhelms some skaters who may get a large amount of notifications on their electronic devices. These skaters end up by muting the app, the group and it's activity. Some even leave the skaters chat or lose interest on it.

Being on the skaters chat is like being in love and sometimes we may get carried away and it will go on forever. However it can also cause a lot of traffic on mobile devices and synchronization between all the devices of the skater which may also increase data consumption and overwhelm the person's resources.

Due to these reasons the skater is kindly asked to chat and share within reason of the nature of the group and to address any other skater in private when the matter is more at an individual level rather than at a group level. For everything else, we can also make good use of many other social platforms out there and let our passion go with our stories and adventures.

Removal outcomes

By removing a member account that is not active skating with the group, the intended outcome is to maximize resources for active skaters and:

  • Decrease the amount of mobile data traffic between the skater and group electronic devices
  • Decrease synchronization times between all members electronic devices
  • Focus on the skaters that are active and be able to create events and activities that match the active skater interests as opposed to generic event for everyone
  • Attract more and new skaters to the group and chat while keeping the platforms light and easygoing
  • Decrease the amount of emails that are sent to the group and prevent spam as the organizing platforms limit the amount of emails that can be sent to members, per day, week and even how many emails can be sent to members at all. For example, if a platform as a limit of 50 members reach per email and time and a group with 100 members only has 50 that are actually active, given that the platform does not distinguish the difference, then some of the active skaters will never be reached.

Returning to the group

Q: I left the group on my own, can I be invited back
Q: Can a removed skater return to the group once becomes active again?

If the group requirements are met by the skater, the answer is positive and we will be happy to have you back and if you forget to rejoin, chances are that we might bug you back in.

See also