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Update 20/08/2022: As of 2022, this platform is not taking new members


Due to very poor development of kommunity, lots of bugs and platform errors, in 2022 a decision to stop using the platform was made. As of January 2023, we are no longer using kommunity.


After 2 years of organizing on meetup Toronto Bladers, in 2021 I will be also organizing on a new platform known as Kommunity

All trail events for distance, endurance, marathon which require more skilled skaters will be moving to Kommunity. On meetup I may still organize minor events for everyone, mostly for fixed locations such as race tracks, parks, slalom and similar.

Do not join without talking to an organizer

About Kommunity

As a platform, in 2021 Kommunity brought several advantages in comparison to meetup.

  1. It is free!
  2. Platform developers that actually listen the users and work together with the users to provide a better experience
  3. Mobile app without trackers (at the moment of this writing)
  4. Privacy oriented mobile app.
  5. Private profiles
  6. Private events
  7. Electronic waivers upon registration
  8. Event text formatting and embedded links
  9. Member follower options
  10. Event participant approval list
  11. Integration with at least 7 social media platforms
  12. Free choice of independent chat platforms
  13. Unlimited RSVPs and always free
  14. Wait listing option
  15. Upload videos, slides and photos
  16. Create talks and tutorials about the activity
  17. Better disclaimers and waiver system upon joining group
  18. Custom questioners
  19. Member invitation options (email, link, etc)
  20. Zoom integration
  21. Tag options
  22. Chat history of the group chat platform, is private and under the control of the same group and is removable at any time when we use a third party app.

Event types

Kommunity will be to organize intermediate and advanced levels events for invited skaters that do inline skating who have demonstrated such levels of skill and commitment to the sport and have adequate equipment that matches the group. The platform is not perfect but will be used until we move more adequate and more suitable alternative unless, Kommunity improves it's features.

Private chat

The new platform will run with an existing private chat app which will be filled by invitation only for members of the skating group. We use signal-app only and for intermediate and advanced inline skaters who are invited upon skating with us.

Invitation only

In the past a lot of effort was put into being all inclusive with females for the inline skating events on meetup. However the outcome was not what was expected and therefore, events on Kommunity will be invite only and having in mind the following:

  • Over 80% of the RSVP's no shows on meetup were from females who don't even change their RSVP to let us know that they can't make it.
  • Around 90% of the RSVP's that were initially set to go but then "did not go to the event" have been from females.
  • 50% of female participation in the past was more interested in meeting men and hook up rather than actually skating. (The group is for skating, not dating. No means NO). This is not a dating group, hookup group and or a boot call group.
  • Most female skaters that have shown up for events, are actually beginners by any standard even without including ICP. This group is not for beginners of any gender.
  • Due to distance, length and characteristics, events on Kommunity not only require more skilled skaters but also more physical endurance and stamina as they are more physically demanding of the skater.
  • There are female exclusive groups and events out there for females and there is also the rollerbabes which is supported by Toronto Bladers. In the name of equality, there should not be a problem with this group and who is in it.

See also
