2024 skating announcement

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Welcome to 2024 and based on past years experiences, we are changing some things and bringing new ones such as the distinction between Toronto Bladers and Canada Bladers which are 2 different platforms but both managed by some Toronto Bladers skaters.

Intro news

  • It is important to understand that when you join the group, the organizers will make an effort to include you in the events.
  • If you do not plan to skate with the group, the organizers effort is thrown to waste and you will be considered inactive after a few invitations.
  • See Why I stopped receiving invitations
  • See Why was I not invited to that event

Things to keep from 2023

  • Registration form is paramount
  • We will remain using google calendar to send invitations and post events.
  • Type of events, groups, locations and organization is the same as 2023 and can be read here
  • We send the event information and invites to the email you used to register with us, if you are not getting invites, check your account or read this.


Weather and other conditions permitting, the annual events are predicted to happen at the end of the day, on one selected day stated bellow

Opening: March 28~31 (High Park)
Closing: November 15~17

See: Annual events

Freestyle Sessions

  • Just like in previous years the Toronto Bladers do skills practice sessions.
  • These are planned to happen downtown Toronto and locations may be announced on social media
  • There may even be open sessions from time to time


In order to reduce emails, any monthly news will posted on this blog. You can subscribe the blog by rss, atom or email at your preference and should follow social media for updates

Who will receive event invitations

Everyone will receive invitations for the annual events provided that they have the skill and and equipment to participate in those events. Annual events are not for beginners and skaters are expected to keep a mild pace of 15km/h avg to keep with the group.

Inactive skaters

  • All registered and accepted skaters will receive a base number of event invitations to which at a point, if they never show up to any event, they are considered inactive and will stop receiving invitations until they register again.
  • Inactive skaters are assumed non existent individuals, fake profiles, void profiles and discarded from future events.
  • Skaters that never showed up to an event with the group in 2023, have been removed from the invite list because we do not know if they actually exist as people.
  • Registration form resets every year on January first.

Troll profile registrations

Voided, nullified, discarded

  • Selecting all options in every section and or opposite preferences at the same time
  • Using text boxes to write stuff not asked or to spam with non requested info
  • Registering several times but using different personal (or lying) or skating information

Event frequency

Every Friday and or weekend and at least once a month, maybe a specific type of skating event may be planned. This means one weekend is social and rec, the next is wizard, the following speed, the following slalom and so on but there are no warranties for this.

Event locations

  • Since 2018, due to the bonehead express, Toronto has become a nightmare to skate on trails, distance and speed. In 2023 we started to branch out to the GTA, more than before.
  • As the Bonehead express starts getting out due to good weather, (mid June) we will start slowly skating around the GTA and return to Toronto in September.
  • Most of the skating is predicted to be on the west side like Etobicoke, Mississauga, Burlington and Hamilton, but not exclusively. The east side is also in the agenda.
  • We will skate around the GTA and even on other provinces. Invites will be sent to skaters that let us know their interest and possibility to skate outside Toronto.
  • We do not disclose online where we skate. Doing so will cause a swarm of quad skaters to take over those closed circuit locations. Do not ask online. Join us instead.

Bad weather

During bad weather days such as cold, snow and or rain we plan to skate indoors. Our preferred location is around North Etobicoke as well as any other non woke location and environment we can find.